Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Aah.. This means something.

Ever woken up with that closeted nauseating feeling that something is not right? Ok, maybe I should just rephrase that.Ever woken up with what you thought is just a 'pre-exam' notion that you are unwell? I can answer positively to that last one. I woke up with Tonsillitis on the morning of my monstrous exams.Beautiful feeling.
Bacteria are disastrous unicellular organisms(im in science, so what else did you expect?) that are important, cant see them, you cant feel them.But they are there. They grow in you, living off of you, reproducing and more.It has been scientifically proved that there are 500-10000 species of these (aargh!!!) creatures in our body. That means there are about 1000 trillion or 1 quadrillion bacteria in our body. About 15 million just in our mouth. If that didnt gross you out, nothing ever will!!
Ive been feeling down lately. If you love music, you should download Marco Antonio solis(havent heard of him?!), his songs are just so awesome. Im humming to his tunes all day specially'Musica Instrumental De Marco Antonio Solis.' Coming to music, Pearl Jam.. If you guys happen to read this, specially you Eddie Vedder(I love you..mwah!).. COME TO INDIA!!!I dont know too many people who love pearl jam. But then again, many people i know dont listen to classic rock. I saw Black and white. I dont get why this movie didnt do too well. It was so real. And there are speculations that it is a real life story based on some urdu professor from Delhi. Today i also met a rickshawallah who can converse in 'like-you-and-me' english. Sigh, Im starting to feel illiterate again. That guy bought back 'Holy cow'! I miss an old friend. She would say that phrase like a million times a day!
I cant say that i can write too well. But what i write is me. Totally me. Like it or leave it. But then again, Im amateur. Ill learn with time. With a lil moral support. Thats your job..Ciao!!
P.S: Plz pray for my KT paper.. C PROGRAMMING... Im telling you man.. Stay away from it..It can ruin your life!
P.P.S: From Gautam - You are my reason to smile. Every single day. Thank you. :)

"In my mind...
through the night...
all night long...
a tragic voice can be heard
the voice of an angel keeps calling...
an angel with a living soul...
shes bleeding...
shes falling...

the dark angel of melancholy...
the dark angel of suffering...
these cold tears
full of boundless agony...
wish i could take it all away...
take it all in me
the sadness in your voice,
the mournful melt of your tears
is my own grief
let me take it all away,

i see it in your eyes...
your desolate soul...
a soul with a bleeding heart
but a heart of gold

i shall take it all away
your grief will be gone...
your mind is mine
your spirit is mine
my existence depends on yours,

my soul is yours
for you...i cry
for you...i die
in this cold bare night,

i look up at the sky
basking in your moonlight
,i want to fall asleep and dream take my beyond infinity
you define my existence...
your sorrow is mine,
your grief is mine
my soul bleeds for you

selfless, i reach out for you
in this cold bare night,
pierced through my heart,
your tears...your mournful tears...."

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