Saturday, March 29, 2008

IRONY is as irony does. . .

Irony.. that word is so apt for my life.

Irony is as irony does..God chose to kick my butt so hard that my butt "bones" would crack. Yes. It is true. Irony is a part of all of our lives. Just as you wake up late on the day of an exam, and you miss the train by a microsecond, then take the next choose to pick a fight with a real fat lady who can just push you off the train in a jiffy. Yep. Irony.

The exam papers always seem to shock you. For me, atleast, its never been.'Wow, nice paper man!' But then again, i can say that when im sure of clearing the paper. But you get my point,right?

I read this article in bombay times one morning. Kickstart for the day!A poacher died. He killed elephants for their tusks. One night this guy decided to break into a wild life refuge's animal hospital area to kill the sick elephant that had been bought in the day before figuring that it would be an easy way to get a chunk of change.
The elephant's problem was apparently constipation, and the medicine they gave the old fellow decided to take effect about this time. The poacher was trying to sneak up behind the elephant, trying to get close enough to pop it with a tranquilizer without making too much noise. As he got just behind the elephant, out gushed about 2 weeks worth of...well...crap.The poacher was completely buried and smothered to death. Oh sweet irony! I laughed until my sides hurt.

Another famous case of tragic irony occurs in the William Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet when Romeo finds Juliet in a drugged death-like sleep, he assumes her to be dead and kills himself. Upon awakening to find her dead lover beside her, Juliet kills herself with his knife.

Irony: Your boyfriend shows up in ripped jeans and a stained t-shirt. With a smirk, you say, "Oh! I see you dressed up for our date. We must be going to a nice restaurant!"--- I picked this up from a link, but should try this out sometime. It might actually work.

The reason I am gabbling about this is that I know that Irony is damn cool... I mean it can be soo cool.. Look at irony through my eyes.. Its soo powerful. Just giving you that hope and then getting that sadistic pleasure in taking it back. **evil laughter**

Long live Irony in other people's lives!
Thank u guys.

Much love..

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A tribute..

Since this is my first write-up, im going to stick to the people who mean something to me.
The people i know who will attend my funeral. and no. Not for mourning. To help my folks.
..who make me laugh.
..who bear with my tantrums.
..who tell me when i throw my weight around a lil too much.
..who eat my lunch..(aargh!!)
...who know what mulugupudu means..
Now, most of you guys might be wondering what im upto. yes. ill take names now.
to start with.. mom.. i love you. without you.. i wont get food. (now that im overweight, i must say good job!!)
Dad.. u make me soo happy... but cmon ..fat or not.. im your kid.. and whenever you tell me something, remember.. im your kid! i have your genes. :)
Gautam...thanks... for everything... it means a lot!
Payal.. for being there .. always..
Dharini... and ashwin. life would be boring without you guys.. mwah!
Carlton... for the bitch inside him..
Kshitij... old times sake.. just be there man..
Hmmm .. thats not a long list.. but. all in all.. i love you people!
In college, i am weird. i dont like too many people. And then i met Payal, god..she was annoying!!!!! bloody narcisst..but 3 months down..didnt know we'd be inseparable.
Gautam..i have no words.... when people are sent down, they say theres a reason. i was yours.
Carlton... all i can say is that u mean a lot..
To mumbai! the city of dreams.. i love everything about it... the sights and sounds, the smell, the pollution ,the trains(seriously!), the way you can find people on the streets at 4 in the morn., How you can just randomly start a conversation inthe middle of the streets, how people sit on their horns in the middle of a traffic jam, how discotheques never follow their deadline, how parents give kids an allowance of Rs.10,000. , and i can bore u people even more.

Im a Southindian Brahmin.. to most people(specially me) that means 'blah'.. but it means a lot in my community. Its as if, if you arent one its a crime! What use is education if it teach u to not distinguish people on the basis of all this load of crap?!.. i mean if people can be jailed for being rascist.. i think half the country should be in prison for being "castists!!"
Yup.. U think right. i hate Castism..
Basically this is just a start.
I created this blog just for me. im also making it clear, if you're a castist.. please let me know. i dont think i would want to be associated with you.

p.s: i guess too many "cell phone acronyms" ... i will get rid of it in due course of time.
p.p.s: Kaushik, we miss you.. hope you still love basketball!
2nd March '08.