Friday, December 12, 2008

Dried tears and blood..a part of life?

Blood...Mangled bodies..tears everywhere..No remorse.
184 dead, atleast a good 714 people injured. The lone survivor Ajmal Amir Kasab says he is worried about his family...being a fan of irony, Id have to say nothing beats that. Funny that this time, i do not find it amusing.
I saw bharad's note. I like that. He truly has a talent. I cant write that. But i can tell you that right now, if i had one wish, more than my exams or the standard wish to meet eddie vedder, I want to that guy castrated. In a way its good he lived, because his life is going to be one nightmare he can never wake up from. And the worst part is he admits he wants to live.. Ironical? Or is it just me?

There was one guy who was in the taxi that exploded. His body got splattered into so many pieces that the cops thought that the parts belonged to two different bodies. The body parts were given to two separate families. This was known after his burial. The guy was on his way to CST to get to Delhi(i think..not too sure). But he changed his mind on hearing about certain blasts in CST. Ironically, he died anyway.

On that night, Hemant Karkare, Vijay Salaskar and Ashok Kamte got information about blasts in the taj they immediately left to get there. On their way however, they met another police vehicle which was being driven by inspector Jadhav. They exchanged their vehicle with that of inspector Jadhav's. While going through rang bhavan, they were shot at by two terrorists. They were pulled out of their vehicle. The three cops died 45 minutes later.
Jadhav was forced to drive (at gunpoint) the car by one of the two terrorists who shot the three cops. However, one of the tyres stopped his death ride, and the terrorists who mercilessly shot people at CST didnt kill him before changing their ride to a skoda. Isnt it ironical? They wouldnt have died if they had continued travelling in the car they were previously travelling in?

I dont think im doing justice to what happened by picking out these incidents and terming them to be ironical, but its a feeling that I cant come to terms with. Im ordinary, who is one of those millions who feel helpless, to just stand and let people rule our lives. If you are thanking god or fate or just plain luck to have saved you or your loved ones, dont worry.. all that can be wiped out in a jiffy. People in that hotel were just having dinner with their family, celebrating their wedding, et al. They died. Those who survived are still coming to terms with what hit them.

Anyway Mumbai was raped. There are 10(or maybe more as they say) rapists of whom one lived. He craps on and on. You read him everyday. But whatever the case is, people have lost real people, human beings that could feel the fear, wrath of these bastards(excuse me for the profanity), families torn apart(like that of the general manager of the taj who lost his wife and two kids because he was out saving the others. They died waiting for firemen to pull them out of a suite placed right next to the room the terrorists where lodged in). Some of the survivors, like a 6 year old, in J.J hospital who lost 10 members of his family, a 10 year old boy who still doesnt know his parents died at CST taking bullets trying to protect him and there's more. It just doesnt end. It never will. Not like this.

NDTV launched a video just after the seige ended. It gave me goosebumps. Watch it a couple of times, you might just be moved.

Monday, September 1, 2008


How many people really take this seriously?! I mean, no offence. Do you really know when to shut up? I dont. Mostly.
There is an old neighbour I got. She is one of those people..reticent, with a sweet smile on her face, her expressions not letting you know what's up in her head, making sweets and everything for the world.. etc..etc.. You get the picture right. When she used to be quiet.. people kept wondering why? And now, her son has come to live with her, probably the reason for her opening up. **yawn**The whole neighbourhood is gossiping about how the "hag" is pissing them off when they drop their kids to school, or plan to leave for work ...etc.. etc.. She does not know of their thoughts... thanks to the grand old policy of diplomacy.
I love the word diplomatic.. It sounds cooler when you cant carry it off. I cant be diplomatic. I wish i could be though.. I could sure use a lil bit of ass-licking and lot of sweet tongue. Most people i know atleast have the latter. My dad's like me(Im like my dad doesnt sound too nice.. :P) cannot be nice.. makes fun of all my friends, people at home...beginning with me.
I got my results.. Now, weird that they put up a list saying that a few people had flunked..and then the next day.. **yawn**put up another list to clear some of the blessed ones. No guesses as to whose name was on that list.. makes me wonder if Im the chosen one.. You know what i mean.

My birthdays coming up.. I do not have any idea as to what im going to be doing.
Ketaki left for AZ.. didnt tell me she's seeing someone.. Pfft!(conveniently assumed I knew)
I miss you Kanna.. We all love you.. and still keep remembering you.. Hope you are okay...
Im not posting much because its 2 in the morning and
i need to sleep.. but.. yawn.. whatever!


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Smoke. Dope. Drink. Die.

Dedicated to all those poor bastards born in tamil "brahmin" families.
I am a tamil brahmin south indian.
To me.. and probably you,all you get is blah...Poor brother of mine..Already getting hammered for getting 85pc instead of 90! what the hell man?! And believe me,Its not the parents hammering him, i mean they got some rights. Instead its "relatives" and "family friends" ..and even people who care for him who havent shown their faces for ages now!And this is nothing new..This bullshit happened to me, has been happening to many others.
Aargh!! why cant people just let things be.

My dad doesnt want to buy a dog for us ever. Reason: He has three at home. **yawn** Aint that funny now?
A few things about south indians that most of you might not even have heard about. All this community cares is reputation.. Lemme list a few things down:
1. Good family background(for friends even).. that mostly means him being one of the same "kind".
2. Should be awesome in studies.
3. Shouldnt drink, smoke, dope- - - makes him "cultureless". (Blame it on the culture!?!)
4. Should be good in studies.
5. Should pass the test at home..i.e the parents must like him/her when they meet them.
6. Studies should be important.
7. If its a girl, should be well behaved, hospitable, a great cook(after age 20..yeah thats a relief!)
8. Must be serious about studies.

Half my life goes in bitching about them. You-know-who...That way i got great parents.. not really particular about all this soo much.. A lil bit of it ...D-uh!Its in their blood..
For girls.. oh hatred for men began there. If you girls think life is a bitch, be born as a tamil brahmin sure will let you know how lucky you can be.
However, unlike gujratis ..atleast education is a bigger priority than marriage. I have a friend, who has to constantly stay away from family functions, because people come to "book" her for their son, after they complete their education. Or maybe lets get them married..then she can study. **Puke**
I cant ever accept the fact that educated people behave like jackasses ... asking for dowry, treating women like vermin, earning black money(unaccounted for) ... It is damn sad to see that this is what education has taught them. Practicality is more important than anything else. If you cant be morally true to the society , or to yourself.. Think of reasons for people to respect you. If you cant out the brakes on your car when an old woman or a kid crosses the road, stop driving.
If you cant manage to do charity atleast once a year.. stop spending on yourself. If you cant remain true to your people, you can never succeed in life.
No one here cares.
Care for youself.
I learnt it the hard way. So will the people with a conscience.
I know this note is a lil depressing. But it tells you one thing. No matter what caste or whatevr you are, you have to be a good human being first.
You werent born on a golden bed with a silver spoon..
Whats with you , can be taken away from you in a jiffy. Except what you have on the inside.

Ciao!! mwah!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

To be or not to be... Is the question .

End of last year, i went to crossword. I like the place. One because they let you read while you are there. And B, because i seem to find all genre of books all the time. I was scrolling through fiction when i came across this 'Interpretation of murder' by Jed Rubenfield. Catchy name i say. As usual i sat down to read it. I found it ok...Wasnt too sure whether i should buy that or settle for the usual Tess Gerritsen or Harlan coben. Ah, what the heck.. i bought it. And then i came home and never felt like i should read it.

One day, mum woke me up yelling bloody murder"why the hell is this room given to you??Id rather have you living in a dumpster! and then i can only vaugely remember blah blah blah blah..But she woudnt gimme breakfast till i straighten my mess. So.. while doing so i came across this book. My library membership got cancelled because i lost one of their books. I blame the trains. So anyway, i started reading it. The book was so gripping. I mean it could actually take my mind off of food and people. If you're an avid reader, id say read this.

Psychoanalysis. The oedipus complex. Sigmund Freud. Jungian theory.
If you havent heard of atleast one of these things i think you should die.
This book has all these things. And believe me, its creepy.
The oedipus complex is a theory put forward by an Austrian, Sigmund freud - the "father" of psychology as payal calls him. Actually he was infamous during his times, mainly for this theory. This theory is used in psychoanalysis wherein, a child unconsciously develops a desire for the parent of the opposite sex. This desire includes jealousy toward the parent of the same sex and the unconscious wish for that parent's death. Yep.. thats it.

The term comes from the myth of Oedipus, a Greek hero who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother. Freud used the term to describe the unconscious feelings of children of both sexes toward their parents. However, later researchers used the term Electra complex for the complex in girls. According to Greek legend, a woman named Electra helped plan the murder of her mother. This book also deals with such a character, strongly viewing this story as a detailed description of Freuds theory coming in first hand. Although the story is true, the author has used a few characters that are added to make it a bomb.
Jung, also mentioned in this story is a student of Freud who later on, goes on to create his own theories following his mentors steps.

I am not campaigning for Freud or his theories. But since i read and dont do anything else which is fruitful i thought ill write about it. I can honestly say i am in awe of this man who made these declarations at the end of the 19th century.
He has written articles and even books on people who werent his patients and research claims that most of these have been proved true. People such as Leonardo da Vinci, Moses, Michelangelo... again just to name a few.
I would also want to mention that i dont like the IPL because that gives my brother an extra thing to "battle" for at home apart from his football.. Aaarghh!!

And whether you accept freuds theory is food for thought. Not just understand but also accept it even if you have to experience it. With yourself, your friends, your kids.. Anything. Because, whether you like it or not, IT IS TRUE.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Aah.. This means something.

Ever woken up with that closeted nauseating feeling that something is not right? Ok, maybe I should just rephrase that.Ever woken up with what you thought is just a 'pre-exam' notion that you are unwell? I can answer positively to that last one. I woke up with Tonsillitis on the morning of my monstrous exams.Beautiful feeling.
Bacteria are disastrous unicellular organisms(im in science, so what else did you expect?) that are important, cant see them, you cant feel them.But they are there. They grow in you, living off of you, reproducing and more.It has been scientifically proved that there are 500-10000 species of these (aargh!!!) creatures in our body. That means there are about 1000 trillion or 1 quadrillion bacteria in our body. About 15 million just in our mouth. If that didnt gross you out, nothing ever will!!
Ive been feeling down lately. If you love music, you should download Marco Antonio solis(havent heard of him?!), his songs are just so awesome. Im humming to his tunes all day specially'Musica Instrumental De Marco Antonio Solis.' Coming to music, Pearl Jam.. If you guys happen to read this, specially you Eddie Vedder(I love you..mwah!).. COME TO INDIA!!!I dont know too many people who love pearl jam. But then again, many people i know dont listen to classic rock. I saw Black and white. I dont get why this movie didnt do too well. It was so real. And there are speculations that it is a real life story based on some urdu professor from Delhi. Today i also met a rickshawallah who can converse in 'like-you-and-me' english. Sigh, Im starting to feel illiterate again. That guy bought back 'Holy cow'! I miss an old friend. She would say that phrase like a million times a day!
I cant say that i can write too well. But what i write is me. Totally me. Like it or leave it. But then again, Im amateur. Ill learn with time. With a lil moral support. Thats your job..Ciao!!
P.S: Plz pray for my KT paper.. C PROGRAMMING... Im telling you man.. Stay away from it..It can ruin your life!
P.P.S: From Gautam - You are my reason to smile. Every single day. Thank you. :)

"In my mind...
through the night...
all night long...
a tragic voice can be heard
the voice of an angel keeps calling...
an angel with a living soul...
shes bleeding...
shes falling...

the dark angel of melancholy...
the dark angel of suffering...
these cold tears
full of boundless agony...
wish i could take it all away...
take it all in me
the sadness in your voice,
the mournful melt of your tears
is my own grief
let me take it all away,

i see it in your eyes...
your desolate soul...
a soul with a bleeding heart
but a heart of gold

i shall take it all away
your grief will be gone...
your mind is mine
your spirit is mine
my existence depends on yours,

my soul is yours
for you...i cry
for you...i die
in this cold bare night,

i look up at the sky
basking in your moonlight
,i want to fall asleep and dream take my beyond infinity
you define my existence...
your sorrow is mine,
your grief is mine
my soul bleeds for you

selfless, i reach out for you
in this cold bare night,
pierced through my heart,
your tears...your mournful tears...."

Saturday, March 29, 2008

IRONY is as irony does. . .

Irony.. that word is so apt for my life.

Irony is as irony does..God chose to kick my butt so hard that my butt "bones" would crack. Yes. It is true. Irony is a part of all of our lives. Just as you wake up late on the day of an exam, and you miss the train by a microsecond, then take the next choose to pick a fight with a real fat lady who can just push you off the train in a jiffy. Yep. Irony.

The exam papers always seem to shock you. For me, atleast, its never been.'Wow, nice paper man!' But then again, i can say that when im sure of clearing the paper. But you get my point,right?

I read this article in bombay times one morning. Kickstart for the day!A poacher died. He killed elephants for their tusks. One night this guy decided to break into a wild life refuge's animal hospital area to kill the sick elephant that had been bought in the day before figuring that it would be an easy way to get a chunk of change.
The elephant's problem was apparently constipation, and the medicine they gave the old fellow decided to take effect about this time. The poacher was trying to sneak up behind the elephant, trying to get close enough to pop it with a tranquilizer without making too much noise. As he got just behind the elephant, out gushed about 2 weeks worth of...well...crap.The poacher was completely buried and smothered to death. Oh sweet irony! I laughed until my sides hurt.

Another famous case of tragic irony occurs in the William Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet when Romeo finds Juliet in a drugged death-like sleep, he assumes her to be dead and kills himself. Upon awakening to find her dead lover beside her, Juliet kills herself with his knife.

Irony: Your boyfriend shows up in ripped jeans and a stained t-shirt. With a smirk, you say, "Oh! I see you dressed up for our date. We must be going to a nice restaurant!"--- I picked this up from a link, but should try this out sometime. It might actually work.

The reason I am gabbling about this is that I know that Irony is damn cool... I mean it can be soo cool.. Look at irony through my eyes.. Its soo powerful. Just giving you that hope and then getting that sadistic pleasure in taking it back. **evil laughter**

Long live Irony in other people's lives!
Thank u guys.

Much love..

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A tribute..

Since this is my first write-up, im going to stick to the people who mean something to me.
The people i know who will attend my funeral. and no. Not for mourning. To help my folks.
..who make me laugh.
..who bear with my tantrums.
..who tell me when i throw my weight around a lil too much.
..who eat my lunch..(aargh!!)
...who know what mulugupudu means..
Now, most of you guys might be wondering what im upto. yes. ill take names now.
to start with.. mom.. i love you. without you.. i wont get food. (now that im overweight, i must say good job!!)
Dad.. u make me soo happy... but cmon ..fat or not.. im your kid.. and whenever you tell me something, remember.. im your kid! i have your genes. :)
Gautam...thanks... for everything... it means a lot!
Payal.. for being there .. always..
Dharini... and ashwin. life would be boring without you guys.. mwah!
Carlton... for the bitch inside him..
Kshitij... old times sake.. just be there man..
Hmmm .. thats not a long list.. but. all in all.. i love you people!
In college, i am weird. i dont like too many people. And then i met Payal, god..she was annoying!!!!! bloody narcisst..but 3 months down..didnt know we'd be inseparable.
Gautam..i have no words.... when people are sent down, they say theres a reason. i was yours.
Carlton... all i can say is that u mean a lot..
To mumbai! the city of dreams.. i love everything about it... the sights and sounds, the smell, the pollution ,the trains(seriously!), the way you can find people on the streets at 4 in the morn., How you can just randomly start a conversation inthe middle of the streets, how people sit on their horns in the middle of a traffic jam, how discotheques never follow their deadline, how parents give kids an allowance of Rs.10,000. , and i can bore u people even more.

Im a Southindian Brahmin.. to most people(specially me) that means 'blah'.. but it means a lot in my community. Its as if, if you arent one its a crime! What use is education if it teach u to not distinguish people on the basis of all this load of crap?!.. i mean if people can be jailed for being rascist.. i think half the country should be in prison for being "castists!!"
Yup.. U think right. i hate Castism..
Basically this is just a start.
I created this blog just for me. im also making it clear, if you're a castist.. please let me know. i dont think i would want to be associated with you.

p.s: i guess too many "cell phone acronyms" ... i will get rid of it in due course of time.
p.p.s: Kaushik, we miss you.. hope you still love basketball!
2nd March '08.