Friday, December 12, 2008

Dried tears and blood..a part of life?

Blood...Mangled bodies..tears everywhere..No remorse.
184 dead, atleast a good 714 people injured. The lone survivor Ajmal Amir Kasab says he is worried about his family...being a fan of irony, Id have to say nothing beats that. Funny that this time, i do not find it amusing.
I saw bharad's note. I like that. He truly has a talent. I cant write that. But i can tell you that right now, if i had one wish, more than my exams or the standard wish to meet eddie vedder, I want to that guy castrated. In a way its good he lived, because his life is going to be one nightmare he can never wake up from. And the worst part is he admits he wants to live.. Ironical? Or is it just me?

There was one guy who was in the taxi that exploded. His body got splattered into so many pieces that the cops thought that the parts belonged to two different bodies. The body parts were given to two separate families. This was known after his burial. The guy was on his way to CST to get to Delhi(i think..not too sure). But he changed his mind on hearing about certain blasts in CST. Ironically, he died anyway.

On that night, Hemant Karkare, Vijay Salaskar and Ashok Kamte got information about blasts in the taj they immediately left to get there. On their way however, they met another police vehicle which was being driven by inspector Jadhav. They exchanged their vehicle with that of inspector Jadhav's. While going through rang bhavan, they were shot at by two terrorists. They were pulled out of their vehicle. The three cops died 45 minutes later.
Jadhav was forced to drive (at gunpoint) the car by one of the two terrorists who shot the three cops. However, one of the tyres stopped his death ride, and the terrorists who mercilessly shot people at CST didnt kill him before changing their ride to a skoda. Isnt it ironical? They wouldnt have died if they had continued travelling in the car they were previously travelling in?

I dont think im doing justice to what happened by picking out these incidents and terming them to be ironical, but its a feeling that I cant come to terms with. Im ordinary, who is one of those millions who feel helpless, to just stand and let people rule our lives. If you are thanking god or fate or just plain luck to have saved you or your loved ones, dont worry.. all that can be wiped out in a jiffy. People in that hotel were just having dinner with their family, celebrating their wedding, et al. They died. Those who survived are still coming to terms with what hit them.

Anyway Mumbai was raped. There are 10(or maybe more as they say) rapists of whom one lived. He craps on and on. You read him everyday. But whatever the case is, people have lost real people, human beings that could feel the fear, wrath of these bastards(excuse me for the profanity), families torn apart(like that of the general manager of the taj who lost his wife and two kids because he was out saving the others. They died waiting for firemen to pull them out of a suite placed right next to the room the terrorists where lodged in). Some of the survivors, like a 6 year old, in J.J hospital who lost 10 members of his family, a 10 year old boy who still doesnt know his parents died at CST taking bullets trying to protect him and there's more. It just doesnt end. It never will. Not like this.

NDTV launched a video just after the seige ended. It gave me goosebumps. Watch it a couple of times, you might just be moved.