Saturday, June 14, 2008

Smoke. Dope. Drink. Die.

Dedicated to all those poor bastards born in tamil "brahmin" families.
I am a tamil brahmin south indian.
To me.. and probably you,all you get is blah...Poor brother of mine..Already getting hammered for getting 85pc instead of 90! what the hell man?! And believe me,Its not the parents hammering him, i mean they got some rights. Instead its "relatives" and "family friends" ..and even people who care for him who havent shown their faces for ages now!And this is nothing new..This bullshit happened to me, has been happening to many others.
Aargh!! why cant people just let things be.

My dad doesnt want to buy a dog for us ever. Reason: He has three at home. **yawn** Aint that funny now?
A few things about south indians that most of you might not even have heard about. All this community cares is reputation.. Lemme list a few things down:
1. Good family background(for friends even).. that mostly means him being one of the same "kind".
2. Should be awesome in studies.
3. Shouldnt drink, smoke, dope- - - makes him "cultureless". (Blame it on the culture!?!)
4. Should be good in studies.
5. Should pass the test at home..i.e the parents must like him/her when they meet them.
6. Studies should be important.
7. If its a girl, should be well behaved, hospitable, a great cook(after age 20..yeah thats a relief!)
8. Must be serious about studies.

Half my life goes in bitching about them. You-know-who...That way i got great parents.. not really particular about all this soo much.. A lil bit of it ...D-uh!Its in their blood..
For girls.. oh hatred for men began there. If you girls think life is a bitch, be born as a tamil brahmin sure will let you know how lucky you can be.
However, unlike gujratis ..atleast education is a bigger priority than marriage. I have a friend, who has to constantly stay away from family functions, because people come to "book" her for their son, after they complete their education. Or maybe lets get them married..then she can study. **Puke**
I cant ever accept the fact that educated people behave like jackasses ... asking for dowry, treating women like vermin, earning black money(unaccounted for) ... It is damn sad to see that this is what education has taught them. Practicality is more important than anything else. If you cant be morally true to the society , or to yourself.. Think of reasons for people to respect you. If you cant out the brakes on your car when an old woman or a kid crosses the road, stop driving.
If you cant manage to do charity atleast once a year.. stop spending on yourself. If you cant remain true to your people, you can never succeed in life.
No one here cares.
Care for youself.
I learnt it the hard way. So will the people with a conscience.
I know this note is a lil depressing. But it tells you one thing. No matter what caste or whatevr you are, you have to be a good human being first.
You werent born on a golden bed with a silver spoon..
Whats with you , can be taken away from you in a jiffy. Except what you have on the inside.

Ciao!! mwah!